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What We Remember After We Forget
This weekend I went to the ‘pre-game’ festivities for my husband’s 55th high school reunion. We attended different schools, but over the...

Watchers, Butterfly Herders, OGs
When our oldest was in middle school, I asked why he and his brother never did anything bad. Other mothers told me there were some real...

It’s Mother’s Day. At our house we celebrate with a trip to a food court and a scary movie. When my boys were small this was the ‘gift’...

A Basket of Joy
I am busy making Easter baskets: one for my 39-year-old son and one for my husband. My son’s treats come from Trader Joe’s because he...

The Magic of Mentoring
A few years ago, when my sister-in-law, Meriam Wilhelm retired, she decided to write witch novels. She asked me to help. I had been an...

New Years Preservation
After the toasts, kisses and well- wishes comes the New Year resolutions. My resolutions used to include weight loss, growing five inches...

Stories My Mother Told Me
My parents made a pact to stand on every continent in the world. When my dad passed away, my mother went to the Antarctic for both of...

The Letterbox
I was cleaning out my office the other day and came upon a box of letters. There were a hundred or so, and soon I was surrounded by...

The Language of Missing
My youngest son was a Peace Corps volunteer in Albania many years ago. If you don’t know where Albania is, no worries. I didn’t either....

What a Dog
I received a fan letter from a lady who loved Hostile Witness*. She ended her note by thanking me profusely for not killing Max. I had...

Creative Cred: Give a little, Get a Lot
Lawyers work pro-bono. Doctors cross borders to help those less fortunate. Retired business people and teachers mentor floundering...

Five Things to Bring to Thanksgiving
It's Turkey time again. Time to be thankful, reflect, and fight over the drumsticks at the dinner table. It's also the time that we all...

The Measure of a Man
I treasure this photo of my dad, my two brothers, and me when we lived in Fairbanks, Alaska at the Ladd Air Force Base. The year was...

The other day I came home to find the men I hired to build my patio sitting in my backyard looking at a stump. This was not a normal...

The Navy & Me
Love Top Gun. Loved Kelly McGinnis’s seamed stockings and Tom Cruise’s derring-do. But the Navy wasn't on my radar until I received an...
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